Leadership 3ATM supports your organizational development. Once you have mastered the 3A’sTM, you will hold the key to the evolution of the roles and culture in your organization .You want self-organized or autonomous groups?
The Leadership 3ATM provides the framework, language and tools to get you there.
You want to make your entire organizational system more intelligent?
Leadership 3ATM will take you through the process step by step and give you the key to evolving roles and culture towards a “Learning” and “Intelligent” organization.
You insist on a leadership approach you can integrate into your daily practices, methods and culture?
Leadership 3ATM facilitates structure, exchanges, analysis of situations and cohesion. All in a clear, easy-to-remember language! From there, it's just one step to starting a community of practice within your organization!
You need stronger, more dynamic and more motivated Teams?
Our model shows people how to avoid conflicts of authority by using everyone’s resources. It provides tools and vision to work on team cohesion and consolidation.
You need tools to facilitate your change management?
The Leadership 3ATM facilitates a strategic and organizational understanding of situations and change management. We can train a “3ATM coach” in your team to act as a leader in making the change or help you with our 3A coachs.You are looking for your own leadership trainers?
If your business is large and you want to minimize consultant costs, why not choose to have your own internal accredited 3A™ Leadership trainers?